Alexander Persaud
Assistant Professor, Economics
Robins School of Business
University of Richmond
PhD in economics 2017, University of Michigan
• Winner of the 2019 Arthur H. Cole Prize awarded to the best article in The Journal of Economic History
"Colonial companies and the cost of introducing Indian immigrants into Fiji, 1884-1916." 2023. Asia-Pacific Economic History Review 63 (1), 4-29.
"Are historical height measurements consistent over time? Evidence from colonial Trinidad." 2023. Explorations in Economic History 90, 101549.
"Caste criminalisation in south India and permanent migration to Fiji, 1903-1927." Forthcoming at the Asia-Pacific Economic History Review.
"From sugar to shop: the organic rise of Indian shopkeepers in colonial Trinidad.'' Accepted at the Business History Review.
Work in progress
"Prices for the Poor: Food Evidence from Tanzania"
With Michael Olabisi
"Where camponeses feared to tread: Agricultural production and land mine clearance in post-conflict Mozambique"
Paper and slides available on request; with Tyler Belyea
"Treating text as pictures: OpenCV, feature matching, and parsing historical documents"
Code: Python (in a .zip file) or raw text
Paper and slides available on request
"Matchmaking gone wrong: Quantifying bias and methods using non-western data"
Paper and slides available on request
"The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire's Money Orders: Trinidad-India Remittances in the 1880s."
Slides available on request
"Caste selection and Indian indentureship"
"The re-invention of indentureship in the 19th century as a contract-enforcement mechanism: theory and historical evidence"
"Foreign/native wage differentials and return migration in Germany"
Paper and slides available on request
"Do Asian Americans Practice Male-biased Sex Selection? New Evidence from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey and 2010 US Census"
Paper available on request; with Sital Kalantry, Brian Citro, and Arindam Nandi